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Local Help!

Darren Ronaghan, the Regional Airport Manager was there to welcome the group and to help direct us to the fuel pumps and then tie-downs. Again the organization, the contacts, and the experience of COPA’s Bram […]

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Dawson City Airport

We came around a corner in the river valley and there was – the airport! A welcome sight…….and we were already on the downwind for 03. Once you’ve been here, I’m sure it doesn’t feel […]

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Down in the Valley!

The last 20 NM was the challenging part. We were down to about 2200′ and in the Klondike river valley. We couldn’t follow the road anymore as it’s up on the hill to our left. […]

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Stewart Crossing

We went up to 6000′ to be above the first layer of scatter cloud. I turned so I could take this picture, but as you can see by the front off to our left, we […]

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Interesting Shapes

We flew over these interesting shapes between Braeburn and Carmacks. I have no idea why some of the water had lime green around the edges and some didn’t, they were certainly visually interesting. (in my […]

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Smoke from a small Fire

In our briefing, they asked us to report any fires that we might see on our route….this one had already been called in. We had just passed Braeburn at 4500′. By the way the elevation […]

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Downtown Skagway

There’s a reason we wear the shirts. We had to stand out from all the other people that pour off of the Cruise ships. There were two docked on the pier. Now personally, the town […]