First Canadian Green Jet Fuel Produced

The first Sustainable Aviation Jet Fuel has been produced in Quebec and the companies and organizations behind it say it will lead to significant reductions in aviation’s carbon footprint. “As the airline industry aims to reduce its carbon footprint and reduce kerosene consumption, SAF + stands out as a pioneer in the field of sustainable aviation fuel in Canada,” said SAF+ Consortium CEO Jean Paquin.  “For us, e-fuel is the way to go in the aviation industry if we want to reduce greenhouse gas emissions substantially.”

The new synthetic kerosene is made by combining C02 emissions from industrial plants and green hydrogen produced by using hydro generated electricity in Quebec. The consortium says the resulting jet fuel has a carbon footprint of 20 percent of that of fossil fuel kerosene. Aviation heavy hitters Airbus, Air Transat and Aero Montreal are behind the effort. It’s not clear when the fuel will be commercially available and how it will compare in cost to existing fuels.
