New Videos From SmartPilot – New Videos on Upset Training and More.

Date:   January 27, 2014



Queensville, Ontario, CANADA – Canada’s single source web portal for all things related

to flying safely has just added even more new, purpose developed material! The latest

additions deal with the subject of Upset Training. Three segments are live now. Further

installments will follow in the coming weeks.


In commenting on the new videos, Ted Rankine, Project Manager notes “One of the most 

dangerous types of aircraft accidents are those which fall under the general heading of ‘Aircraft 

Upsets’. This sudden, drastic loss of control of an aircraft accounts for only 17% of all accidents, 

however 80% of these incidents result in fatalities. In keeping with the purpose of, 

we are presenting material that will help create awareness and understanding of the subject. It 

still does not replace formal training with a recognized and accredited institution, but it may just 

help someone one day when they need it most.” 


These videos were developed with a professional flight educator using proven techniques that

have been taught to many pilots. The first installments cover an “Introduction” to the overall 

subject, followed by “Stall and Spin Awareness” and then “Unusual Attitudes”.


The link to the new videos is –



Late in the Fall of 2013, also added a “teaser” for a new feature video section

entitled “VFR into IMC”. The premise of this segment is based on the simple question “How 

long can a pilot who has no instrument training expect to live after they fly into bad 

weather and lose visual contact with the ground?” put that question to the test.


Ted Rankine explains – “Many pilots have heard of the 178 second story. It is based on a study 

by researchers at the University of Illinois. They put twenty student “guinea pigs” into simulated 

instrument weather. All went into graveyard spirals or rollercoasters with time intervals that 

ranged from 480 seconds down to 20 seconds. The average time was 178 seconds. took 17 Canadian pilots to PrecisePilot’s full motion flight simulator in Vaughan, 

Ontario to see firsthand what would happen. All the pilots had some instrument time and most 

had total times in excess of 1000 hours.”


The results will be released in a video series during the first half of 2014. In the interim the

“teaser” provides a fair synopsis of how it all happened –

