Some of this Week’s Other Highlights in Brief

Rick Matthews (L) and Peter Killin (R)
Photo credit: Rick Matthews
  • With the final flight of one of the two remaining Martin Mars flying boats planned for Sunday (August 11), Vancouver’s Harbour Air (HA) has announced that two of its pilots, current HA pilot Rick Matthews, and former HA pilot Peter Killin, will fly the Hawaii Mars from its current location at Sproat Lake on Vancouver Island to its final destination at the B.C. Aviation Museum at Victoria airport. “As longtime pilots with a love for historic aircraft, we’re very honoured to be flying the Hawaii Mars on its final mission,” said Matthews. The CAF Snowbirds will be providing an escort. Arrival at Victoria airport’s Pat Bay seaplane facility is expected between 18:00 and 18:30 on Sunday.

  • Air Canada partnered with Elevate Aviation of Edmonton for an Aviation Career Exploration (ACE) week. The week-long event saw 17 women of diverse backgrounds introduced to the Aviation Maintenance Engineer (AME) profession by two Vancouver-based Air Canada AMEs. “Everybody knows what a pilot is, what a flight attendant is, but not everybody knows what an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer does and not everybody knows what a de-icing technician does, so our goal is to expand that reach and education about these careers”, said Elevate director Christine Merrick.

  • ALPA, the U.S.-based union of airline pilots, is once again sounding an alarm over Airbus’s proposal to work towards single-pilot cockpits in commercial aircraft. A letter sent earlier this week by ALPA to Airbus’s CEO reads in part, “Technological advancements can and have enhanced aviation safety, but in order to maintain and enhance our current level of safety, technology alone will never replace the indispensable role of two pilots in the flight deck.”