The wind storm that blew through southern Ontario on Monday heavily damaged Burlington Airpark but amazingly spared most of the airplanes.
The 60-knot winds blew nine hangars up and over the row of hangars immediately behind them. Only one airplane inside the affected hangars was damaged, albeit severely.
“The most amazing thing is to see the planes virtually untouched,” airpark spokesman Tim Crawford told insidehalton.com .
The storm caused widespread damage and power outages and the hangars at the airpark faced them squarely.
The hangars were “facing west, into the teeth of the wind, lifted and flew over another row of hangars” and missed everything else, said Crawford.
“Virtually none of the planes were damaged,” he said.
Crawford said one man was inside his hangar when it blew away.
“He saw the (hangar) door starting to buckle and the next thing he knew he was looking at his vehicle,” parked outside.
The owner of the busy private facility, Vince Rossi, was out of the country at the time but knows about the event.