Class B ADS-B Mandate Starts May 16

Nav Canada is reminding operators that the next stage of the ADS-B mandate comes into effect May 16 but it doesn’t expect a major impact. The next phase is the inclusion of Class B airspace, which is controlled airspace from 12,500 to 18,000 feet. ADS-B Out is already required in Class A (controlled airspace above 18,000 feet). It will not be mandated in other airspace classes until 2028 at the earliest.

“Given the oxygen requirements in un-pressurized aircraft, and the benefits of higher cruising altitudes for pressurized aircraft, there are a limited number of air operators in Canada that operate fleets in Class B airspace that don’t also climb into Class A airspace,” Nav Canada said in the update. “Nav Canada has begun reaching out to some of the affected air operators to determine if accommodations may be required. Air operators who believe they will require additional time to equip aircraft in their fleets in accordance with the coming Class B mandate can contact NAV CANADA at to determine if blanket accommodation agreements might be appropriate.

A B.C. pilot says he triggered a CADORs for ADS-B non-compliance in Class A airspace even though his equipment was working perfectly. The pilot, whose identity we’re protecting, said that after an exhaustive investigation by himself and his maintenance staff, it turned out to be a paperwork error. ADS-B equipage must be noted on flight plans with the addition of the term CANMANDATE in item 18 of the flight plan following the SUR/indicator.
