Study Looks At Pilots’ Medical Care

Researchers at the University of Alberta are polling pilots on whether their desire to maintain their flight medical keeps them from seeking care. “The study itself will ask a series of questions to determine how pilots perceive aeromedical care and whether the risk of losing their license due to medical complications inhibits the seeking of medical advice,” Parth Patel, a pilot and one of the researchers said. 

The study is completely anonymous and no identifying information will be obtained in the questionnaire that is available online here for Canadian pilots. American pilots can take part here.

“Pilot medical health is an ever-important issue and has been the cause of multiple aviation accidents. Furthermore, pilots may be receiving less than the standard of care because they aren’t able to openly share pertinent medical information,” the researchers said. “This study will help expand the current scientific knowledge regarding pilot health and aeromedical standards. The validity of this study is entirely dependent on a large number of pilots responding and your support through participation would be invaluable.”
