Aviation is a dynamic industry and pursuit and while we do our best to provide readers with interesting and though provoking articles in our bi-monthly magazine, we also want to give a snapshot view of the important stories in aviation as they unfold.

We spent a lot of time thinking about how to do that and settled on a single-sheet newsletter that gives brief highlights of the stories of interest and allows those who want to read more the ability to click through and see the whole article.
We also wanted to give readers a chance to help us provide the content and resources needed to keep on top of the huge range of issues and interesting stories that define Canadian aviation.
So, if you see something you think other Canadian aviators would be interested in, click on our newstip button and the email will go directly to Editor Russ Niles.
We also want to see those videos you shoot when you go flying. The best way to do that is to upload your videos to YouTube and send us the link. We’re going to pick a reader-submitted video each week and pick the best one at the end of the year to earn a prize from one of our sponsors.
We’ve also embarked on an ambitious project to create a photo and and information data base of Canadian airports that can serve as a ready reference to anyone flying into an unfamiliar airport. We call that feature On Final and we’re asking pilots across the country to take a camera and a safety pilot with them on the next nice (snow-free) day they go flying and get a variety of aerial views of their home field, including the view from short final on the most-used runway(s) and upload them in our easy-to-use submission form. Those who send us photos will go into a draw for a valuable prize at the end of the year.
We’ve been very conservative in the creation of the mailing list for this newsletter. Many of you signed up for our first attempt at a newsletter a few years ago and we’re hoping you’ll give us another chance. Others on the list are people or companies who have recently been in contact with us we hope will enjoy a chance to stay caught up on Canadian aviation news.
Please enjoy the newsletter and by all means let us know what we’ve missed and what you’d like to see in this publication. You can contact Editor Russ Niles at russ@canadianaviator.com .