Nicholas Pasieczka

Flight Date:08/03/2016
Flight School: Gimli Regional Gliding Centre
Flight Instructor: Lt. Becker
Comment: Hello,

This past summer I went on the Glider Scholarship Course in Gimli Manitoba. I had what I consider one of the biggest moments in my life which was my first solo in an aircraft. On August 3, 2016 I said, “All out,” on what seemed to be a perfect day for gliding. The tow plane pulled me into motion and I could hear my fellow pilots cheers me on from the side lines.

Once I was air borne, I stopped for a second and looked down at the world around me which seemed to vanish before my feet. I became a pilot. I started singing The Lion Sleeps Tonight with all my might and screamed at the top of my lungs because I knew that no one would hear me and my instructor was not there to tell me to change songs.

My first solo lasted for a total of 17 minutes which my time to fly away from the earth and be in control of an aircraft. I truly felt amazing that I had the ability to fly a plane being just another kid from Winnipeg. I felt powerful and unstoppable because I knew that no matter what I did or anyone else told me, I was the Pilot In Command.

When I came in for my landing, it was strange not have Lt. Becker behind me telling me when I should be opening my spoilers and how my crab angle was looking. I was ambitious and overly excited to complete my first flight however, I did not want it to stop. I landed a little short because I over used my spoilers misjudging where I wanted to be.

Once I eased off the brake, the push crew standing on the side lines came running towards me to congratulate me showing my name. I had the flight of my life which I will never forget leaving me with a smile and a great story to tell.


Nicholas Pasieczka

