Women of Aviation Week is in full swing and there are about a dozen flying events planned in Canada plus dozens more around the world.
President (and Canadian Aviator columnist) Mireille Goyer said response to the worldwide celebration continues to grow and the increased awareness will have tangible results in correcting the gender balance in the aviation industry.
The week kicked off with a media event at Vancouver International Airport where a coordinated effort between YVR, Nav Canada and Air Canada resulted in an all-female flight crew aboard an E190 was cleared to land by a female air traffic controller in the YVR tower.
At a media event later, the women were joined by a female avionics tech who told reporters about the lopsided demographics of their workplaces. Only 15 percent of controllers, six percent of pilots and less than two percent of techs are women.
Most flying events are next weekend and girls and women who would like to participate can register their attendance at womenofaviationweek.org .
Those who register will be entered into the draw for a variety of prizes including Apple watches, iPad Mini and clothing.
Those inspired to take flying lessons can win one of three flight training grants for the first, second and third to solo after taking part in a WOAW event.