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Bell to Win Second Coast Guard Heli Bid

It appears Bell Helicopters Canada is a shoo-in to win a second Coast Guard helicopter contract because other manufacturers won’t be submitting bids. According to the Canadian Press, the Bell 412 is likely to be the next […]

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Heli Pilots Losing Jobs to Foreign Pilots

Canadian helicopter pilots are complaining they’re being unfairly replaced by temporary foreign workers by companies looking to save wage expenses. Last week the federal government stopped restaurants from hiring foreign nationals on temporary work permits […]

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Lancaster Transatlantic Seat Up For Bids

The Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum is auctioning off a seat on the upcoming transatlantic flight of its precious Lancaster bomber and museum CEO David Rohrer is convinced there’s someone with the desire and the money needed to satisfy […]

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Spring Training Ridealong

The CF-18 tucks into the slot with the Snowbirds during Spring Training in Comox.   Click on photo to see a gallery of 24 images of the two teams shot from a CF-18 chase plane. […]

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First Canadian IMC Club in Calgary

Pilot’s group that promotes IFR currency and proficiency and general flying excellence will open its first chapter in Canada May 7 and the founder is hoping there will be more. The IMC Club began just three […]

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SkyRider Canadian Distributor Announced

An Ontario insurance broker is the Canadian, U.S. and Indian distributor for SkyRider, a new two-place helicopter designed in Italy. Bill Davidson says the aircraft is destined to “take over the training for helicopters,” because […]

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Drone Videographer Criticizes Critics

The owner of the YouTube channel that features a controversial video of an airliner on approach to Vancouver International Airport has criticized public and media response to his video, saying there was never any danger […]

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Suit Launched in Hang Gliding Death

Three groups representing hang glider and paraglider pilots in British Columbia and across the country have been named in a lawsuit resulting from the death of young woman who fell from a tandem hang glider […]

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Aviation Inspectors Worry About SMS

Aviation Inspectors Worry About SMS Transport Canada’s depiction of aviation inspectors at work. Canada’s aviation inspectors are increasingly giving the Safety Management System a failing grade and more of them believe aviation accidents will be […]

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Avcorp Gets Technology Grant

Delta, B.C.’s Avcorp has been awarded a $4.4 million federal repayable contribution to develop new metal bonding technologies for use in aircraft parts manufacturing. The funding will allow the company to hire staff, including university […]

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YVR Drone Video Stirs Controversy

An unidentified person who goes by the YouTube name of Quadrotor Dragonfly is stirring some angry controversy after a clearly illegal and potentially dangerous drone flight resulted in a bird’s eye view of a 737 […]

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F-35 Decision Back to Harper

The Harper government now has all the information it has asked for to make a decision on how to move forward with acquiring new fighter jets for the RCAF. The RCAF has finished a comprehensive […]